Ursula Pflug - Green Music

Ursula Pflug - Green Music

Regular price $20.00 Sale

"Sometimes he swam on his back and then the stars would make pinholes in his eyes, sinking, sinking until they came to rest in the darkness of his brain, sleeping reflections to their brothers across the void of space. Then they were in his mind, and he could hear them."

Green Music blends the the gritty reality of Toronto's studio district with a medieval tropical paradise shaped by the union of sea turtles and humans. A struggling artist, possessed by a derelict friend's grief and the legacy of a whiskey-swilling Great Lakes mariner, forges a gateway to her dreams.


Born in Tunis to German parents in 1958, Ursula Pflug grew up in Toronto. She attended the University of Toronto and The Ontario College of Art and Design. In workshop settings she studied playwriting with Judith Thompson and speculative fiction with Judith Merril. She has travelled in Canada, the US, North Africa, Europe, Jamaica, Japan, and Mexico. She has lived in New York City and in Hawai’i. Formerly a graphic designer, she focused on her writing after relocating to rural Peterborough County with her family in 1987 and currently lives in the village of Norwood with her partner, the multi-media artist Doug Back.