dye flowers - mix of marigold, dyer's coreopsis, and sulphur cosmos

Regular price $12.00 Sale

Marissa's Herb Garden products are created from herbs grown in Marissa's Garden. 

Notes from Marissa:

Project 1: Orange dye
Cover the flowers with water and bring to a low simmer for about an hour, until you get the desired deep orange colour. Let cool overnight and strain out the flowers, setting the dye aside. 
After preparing your natural fabric, add to the pot of dye. You may need to add water to ensure your fabric is covered and has enough space to move around in the pot. Slowly bring up to a low simmer, and macerate at this temperature for about one hour. Turn off the heat and leave in the fabric overnight. The next day, gently wring the fabric and air dry in a shady location. At this point, you may rinse your fabric in cold water. 

Project 2: Flower confetti dye
After preparing your natural fabric, lay the damp fabric on a flat surface. Sprinkle the flower confetti on one half of the fabric. Fold the fabric in half to cover the flower confetti, then roll into a tight roll. Roll the fabric again on itself to make a sort of tight bun, and secure with string or rubber elastics. Place your tightly rolled fabric in a steamer basket, and steam covered for about one hour until you see the orange dye starting to show through. Turn off the heat and leave the fabric as-is overnight to properly soak in the colour. The next day, unroll your fabric and shake out the flowers. Leave to air dry in a shady location. Once dried, you may rinse it in cold water to remove any remaining flower debris.

All of these natural dyes are food safe. Only use 100% natural fibres for dye projects, such as linen, cotton, hemp, bamboo, silk, wool, or alpaca; synthetic fibres will not absorb the colour well. 
Fabric care: For long-lasting results, it is important to properly prepare your fabric beforehand by scouring and mordanting. After you have dyed your fabric, wash cold only when absolutely necessary and air dry in a shady location. Store away from direct sunlight.